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Grow Your DTC Brand Using Quiz Funnel

Vedant Gaikwad
Grow Your DTC Brand Using Quiz Funnel

We’ve all taken our share of online quizzes, like “What kind of breakfast food are you?” or “Choose a Fruit and We’ll BuildYour Dream Vacation.” They’re a fun conversation starter, social activity, and time-killer— as well as a powerful marketing tool.


Quizzes actually help businesses collect information about their audience in an exciting way. Using quizzes to grow yourShopify store can help you market more effectively while promoting your products in an entertaining way. Custom product matches, anyone?


Using quizzes to make more sales requires building a quiz funnel. In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about these marketing tools, and how to use them for your store.


What Is a Quiz Funnel?

A quiz funnel is a type of survey that businesses use to gather information from their audience in a fun way. People provide information about themselves, or their preferences, through a quiz, in order to get a personalized result based on their choices.


If you’ve ever taken a personality quiz, then you’re probably familiar with a quiz funnel. After a click-through a series of questions and answers, the person’s choices place them into a specific category.

Why Do You Need a Quiz Funnel?

In Shopify marketing, quiz funnels are great for giving clients custom product recommendations while simultaneously building brand trust and increasing engagement.


There are a few reasons why you should use quiz funnels to grow your store:

1. They Pique User’s Interest

People love personalized experiences, and online, a quiz is a great way to capture someone’s interest. There’s a sense of excitement and curiosity led by quizzes that listicles just can’t provide. A quiz offers something unique to the user, and they feel more connected to the result because it was something their information brought them. In fact, quizzes can incentivize users to continue until they win, which also creates a feeling of friendly competition.


2. They Help You Get to Know YourAudience Better

A lot of business surveys tend to focus on singular experiences, like a person’s most recent transaction. These can be helpful at times, but they cast out an entire plethora of information you could use to improve your store.


Quizzes help you learn more about your audience’s personality on top of their preferences. This information can help craft better buyer personas, as well as improve your advertising efforts.

3. They Help Reduce Buyer Hesitancy

In eCommerce, you need people to trust your brand so they’ll buy your products. This can be a challenge at times, but quizzes help reduce uncertainty a lot. People are more likely to buy a product that’s been personally recommended based on their answers.


6 Smart Quiz Funnels You Can Use to Capture Leads & Recommend Products

Here are 7 quiz funnels used by real brands today. They’re excellent examples you can draw inspiration from as you consider how to build your own.


1. Sephora’s Hair Care Finder



As a beauty powerhouse, Sephora’s range of products can be overwhelming for customers. To help them make better choices and increase satisfaction, they’ve built a Hair Care Finder quiz that helps people get personalized matches based on things like their hair texture and concerns.


By phrasing questions in a certain way, e.g.“What is your biggest hair concern?”, Sephora not only expresses interest in their audience, but gets valuable information from their responses as well.


2. Pampers Interactive Quizzes

If you want to craft quiz funnels for lead generation, Pampers has a variety of them that make great springboards for your own ideas. These lead gen quizzes are perfect examples of what a quiz funnel should be: personal, brand-specific, and fun.


For example, one of their quizzes helps users find their dream baby moon destination. At the end, they have to sign up by email to see their results. Because they’ve already invested time into answering the quiz, they’re more likely to opt into the Pampers mailing list.



3. Warby Parker Eyeglasses Quiz


Buying eyeglasses online is a major gamble —these are one of those things you just have to try in person, right? Warby Parker wants to close the bridge between uncertainty and purchase by offering clients personalized frame recommendations.


Their eyeglasses quiz acts like a virtual consultant and gives users results best fitted for their face and style.


4. Function of Beauty Hair Goals Quiz


Instead of asking customers about what problems they want to solve, Function of Beauty takes a different approach.They ask users what they want to achieve.This empowering stance instantly sets the quiz apart, and it’s a great way to generate excitement and showcase the benefits of different products.


5. INH Hair Care Bear Quiz


INH incorporates something nostalgic for their audience to make their own quiz more engaging. By using Care Bears as their focus, they match each quiz taker to specific product recommendations.


At the same time, this quiz comes across as a personality test. Character matching can be any type of quiz funnel that answers the question, “Which of these things are you?”


Whether you use characters people already know or make your own, it’s a fun quiz type that usually drives high engagement rates. At the end of each result page, you can link specific products based on that character’s personality.



6. Embark’s Genetrics Knowledge Quiz


It’s helpful to know how much your audience knows about your products.Quizzes that test knowledge like Embark’s Intro to Genetics are perfect for discovering the breadth of their knowledge.


Not only that, but users get more invested in the quiz because they get to learn new things along the way. Every wrong answer is an opportunity for your brand to provide value with an enlightening response.



How to Choose Questions for Your Quiz Funnel

Now that you’ve seen some great quiz funnels in action, it’s time to start making your own! Here are some of the most common types of quiz funnel questions.

Background Questions

Background questions gather general information, like age, gender, and location. These types of questions are great for gaining better insight into your audience’s core demographics. However, asking them upfront can backfire if there isn’t enough trust. For this reason, we suggest always including a “Rather Not Say” option.

Problem Questions

Problem questions get right to the heart of your audience’s needs. You’re asking them what they’re dealing with in the hopes of showing them products that resolve their issues. A good example of this is, “What’s your biggest nail frustration?”. The answers immediately tune you in to what people are searching for.

Budget Questions

A budget question helps you learn more about your audience’s spending potential. Great stores can still struggle to breakeven if their price points are too high for their target demographic. Using budget-based questions helps you segment your audience based on their spending habits. This allows you to convert more easily by matching customers with products that are in their ideal price range.

Goal Questions

Goal questions help you showcase your products’ value on a customer’s journey. These are questions that flip the problem on its head and focus on desired outcomes instead. As the business owner, you get to better understand what outcomes your ideal customers are hoping to achieve. In the future, you can use this information to market your products more effectively to different segments.

How to Segment Your Audience onto Your Email List

Segmenting quiz takers onto your email list is easy. Make sure that you include the option to sign up at the end, either to see their results or get exclusive coupon codes. Once they’ve joined, you can use tags like age, gender, location, and product preferences to send them targeted promotions and marketing material.


By segmenting your audience through email, you can more effectively reach them and generate more sales. Quizzes are a great way to increase email subscribers while simultaneously increasing brand awareness and product interest.

Just make sure the conversation doesn’t end after the quiz results. The goal is to use your quiz as an icebreaker, so you can continue to


Start implementing quiz funnels today and seethe impact they have on your audience’s engagement!


Recommended Tools

There are plenty of tools out there that will help you increase your sales and improve customer satisfaction. Here are a few of them.


Typeform is a very user-friendly form and survey builder. The design is clean and the features are smart: You can customize your survey in different ways, and you can also create lots of clever interactions using features like "logic jumps" which create unique paths of questions based on answers.



Online Quiz Maker for Marketers and Small Businesses. LeadQuizzes lets you create a quiz to engage your audience, scale your business, promote your brand, or test your students - with no coding required.